Are you fed up of working ALL the hours and not getting the results you want?

Sick of having to say no to the fun & exciting things because you ‘have’ to work?

Did you start your business for financial freedom yet here you are working crazy hours and still having no time (or money) to enjoy life!

Maybe you’ve tried ALL the things, but nothing is working and you are ready to throw in the towel.

I GET IT! I have been there too…in fact if we are totally transparent I did throw in the towel!

I walked away from my 7 figure business because it became a monster that took over my life completely and left me with no freedom and spiraling mental health issues. 

But what if I told you that you can get the freedom that you so desperately long for.

That you can have your dream business and your dream life. You do not have to throw in the towel!

Let me introduce you to The VIP Day.

An in person 1-2-1 day where we will delve right into the core of your business strategy to find the gaps AND bridge them so that you can have the financial freedom you want.

Financial freedom to you may be to no longer have to worry about paying the bills or it may be a £1m business, but either way it is about having a business that enables you to live the life of your dreams, without feeling like you want to throw in the towel.

Hello I'm Emma Hine

A Certified Business Strategist and I help ambitious people like you to grow a business they love.

I grew a 7-figure business that took over my life completely, so I know first-hand the importance of growing a business on your terms.

My passion is to show you that you can have it all…you can have the dream business and the dream life!

My superpower is finding the gaps in your business that are stopping you from having the financial freedom you need to live the life of your dreams and then finding a solution that will work for you.

Ultimately, I help you to grow your business and to make more money, but we do it in a way that fills your heart with joy!

When I’m not helping people to grow their business you will find me drinking wine and eating pizza whilst soaking up every last bit of sunshine possible aka living my dream life!

I believe everyone can live the dream and I am on a mission to show you how!

Emma Hine

Tell me more...

So many business owners are still hustling and still winging it, taking the same action and getting the same results.

The VIP Day has been created to make sure you are no longer one of them.

If you are ready to get REAL results and you want to get them quickly then this is for you!

This is for the action taker; the ambitious business owner with real fire in their belly who is ready to move fast.

Maybe you are working ALL the hours and just not getting the results.

Maybe your income has plateaued.

Or maybe you just cannot see the wood for the trees and you are ready to throw in the towel like I did.

Whatever the reason, if you need some personalised help to get you moving then you are in the right place.

You get a whole day with me in my VIP garden POD right in the heart of the Staffordshire Moorlands, my eyes will be focussed purely on you & your business for this whole time.

During the day we will delve right into the heart of your business strategy, looking at what is working and what is not working whilst constantly keeping our focus on where you are trying to get to.

Whether we need to look at your strategy, your products, your processes or something else, we will make sure no stone is left unturned.

And it goes without saying that I will keep you fed & watered all day and lunch will be my treat! If you fancy a glass of wine to celebrate at the end of the day, I am sure we can arrange that too!

Ready to get the financial freedom you need to live your dream life then book your VIP Day today.

So, what are the details?

1 week prior to our VIP Day we will have a 1hr zoom call to make sure we are both clear on the desired outcome.

The day is held in person.

LOCATION: The Hotel Rudyard, Lake Road, Rudyard, Staffordshire ST13 8RN

TIMINGS: 10am - 4pm

You get a lovely lunch included & a little gift from me to take home afterwards.

2 weeks after our VIP Day we will have a final 1 hour zoom call just to be doubly sure everything is clear…I totally get that some people reflect, and more questions can pop up.

AND a little brucey bonus for 30 days after our VIP Day you will get WhatsApp access to me as well, so I really don’t just spend the day with you then leave you to it, I am there to support you afterwards as well!

So, are you ready to take action and to finally take control of your business, your finances and your life…then you know what you need to do…


£999 Pay in Full

Q & A's

Is it possible to host the day closer to where I live?

Yes but there will be additional costs. Contact me by email emma@emmahine.co.uk before booking to discuss.

Can I pay in instalments?

Although I do not offer a payment plan for The VIP Day as standard, I am always happy to help you where I can so pop me over an email emma@emmahine.co.uk and we can sort something.

When do we choose the date?

Once you have booked and paid for your day, you will receive an email with everything you need. I keep a few days every month free for VIP Days so you can normally get a date booked within a month, sometimes even quicker!